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Raise Your Vibe!

Vibe (n.) a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed

Do you need to raise the vibration in your life? Ever wonder why some people attract positive energy into their life and just seem like happier people? Do you wonder what they are doing to make that happen?

We are offering an event on Tuesday, August 6th at 5:30pm at DeLeon Day Spa in Lyme, NH called “Raise Your Vibe”.

During this event we’ll dig into 4 different areas:
– Mindfulness and Meditation
– Personal Growth
– Health & Nutrition
– Abundance

Our speakers will share with you what they’ve learned over the years so you can start to develop some muscle in these areas yourself. Leave with lots of tips, tricks and techniques to help you live your best life.

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Community Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:

Lyme and other local listservs

Lyme Library Calendar

Lyme School Events Listing

Town of Lyme Website

Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe

Valley News online calendar

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center

Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.