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AARP NH Sorting Fact from Fiction

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
From 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

 Contact: AARP New Hampshire

Sorting Fact from Fiction Online

Do you believe everything you see online?

In today’s uncertain times, it has become increasingly difficult to know what’s true. The growth of social media, smart devices and a multitude of online sources offer 24/7 connectivity and unprecedented access to a rapidly expanding sea of information. But with that access comes the threat of those who seek to deceive or trick consumers with misinformation.

There are plenty of sensationalized headlines, misleading stories and even complete falsehoods circulating on the Internet, making it hard for even the most discerning reader to sort fact from fiction. This free webinar will equip you with valuable tools and resources to help you stay safe online.

Join AARP NH online on May 25 at 2 pm when we’ll share some tips and tools for determining what is real and what isn’t. Gather up the family, this is a valuable webinar for all ages.

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to protect yourself and loves ones.

This event is FREE but registration is required:

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