Community Calendar

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We are in the process of re-energizing and reimagining Aging in Community

Aging well has been a central focus since the founding of CommunityCare of Lyme in 2014. Understanding that intergenerational involvement is critical, we also recognize the need to focus on the special concerns, needs, and unique capacity as we age in our communities. The goal is that everyone can age as they choose – staying in their longtime house, moving within town, or relocating to a new home. How do we stay in community as our homes may move? How do we live our best lives at every stage of our lives? There are so many questions and opportunities to explore together.

ALL ARE WELCOME! If you are aging, if you think someday you may be aging, or if you care about someone who is aging, you belong in this conversation, wherever you live right now.

Do you have ideas, or would you like to join in as we define and form this collaboration of organizations and individuals? Please contact Martha Tecca by replying email or or 603-443-0283.

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Community Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:

Lyme and other local listservs

Lyme Library Calendar

Lyme School Events Listing

Town of Lyme Website

Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe

Valley News online calendar

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center

Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.