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Hosted by the brothers of the Theta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

We are proud to invite you to SILENTLY OR LOUD, our inaugural Black Arts Festival centered around exploring impactful works of art created by Black filmmakers, writers, dancers, musicians, and artists across the Diaspora. 

Our kickoff event is this Thursday, February 11th at 8 PM EST. We will be hosting a screening of the 1968 film Mandabi, the first color film done by the Senegalese creative Ousman Sembène. Newly restored in 4K and his first film in Wolof, Mandabi follows a man in Dakar seeking to cash a check sent to him from a relative in Paris. What follows is a “darkly humorous satire of Kafkaesque bureaucracy and corruption”,  “a bitterly ironic depiction of a society scarred by colonialism and plagued by corruption, greed, and poverty” (Film Forum, Criterion Collection).

The Zoom link for the event is here.

The ID is 754 625 6412 and the password is 1906.

We look forward to having you! Feel free to share this event information within your own networks as well.


Kellen Love
President, Theta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 

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Lyme Library Calendar

Lyme School Events Listing

Town of Lyme Website

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Valley News online calendar

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