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Gather as a community and welcome over 50 new Lyme neighbors!

Wednesday, July 21 5:30-7pm

Please check back about plans in case the rain is just too much.

Everyone is welcome! Come as you are.

We cannot wait to see you all!! If you or someone you know will need a ride or some assistance at the picnic, please give us a call … or just show up. There will be plenty of friendly helpers on hand.

It will be safe, informal, and fun.

Many hands and hearts are making this event possible!

Would you like to pitch in?

If you’re not already part of a team and would like to help, come at 4:30pm for set up or plan to stay for a bit after 7 for clean up. Contact or 603-795-0603 to let us know in advance or just show up and offer a hand!

Some helpful details …

Aa True “Potluck” Feast

Everyone is invited to bring something you enjoy sharing. It all will be served buffet-style. Some pointers, if you like:

  • Tables will be set up by type of food: Meats, Salads & Sides, Appetizers, Breads, Sweets & Treats, Beverages
  • Drop off food, as ready-to-serve as possible, 5:15-5:45pm. (Desserts could be a bit later.)
  • Please label your offering with the cook’s name and the name of the dish, including ingredients if you can. Indicate if appropriate for special diets – Vegetarian (V), Vegan (VG), Gluten-free (GF), Dairy-free (DF).
  • Bring the recipe if you can. We’ hope to share them all.
  • Mark your serving dish and utensils, and please plan to pick them up at the end of the meal.


If you would like to bring a small jar of flowers to set on a table, that would be lovely!


If you pack what you might for a picnic, that will help us limit waste and protect the Earth and our beautiful, shared space. Plus, it makes it easier for the clean-up crew!

  • Bring along your own “mess kit” (plate, utensils, cup, and napkin), if you can. 
  • We’ll have some paper plates, cups, and napkins available, and the Lyme Congregational Church is lending their flatware.
  • There will be coolers of ice water, and no need for plastic water bottles.


There is no parking on the Common or the roads next to it. 

  • Parking is available behind the Conant Building (formerly home of Lyme Computer Systems), by the horsesheds, near the school, and in the commuter lot. 
  • Members of Those Guys will be wearing bright vests to assist with parking suggestions or with passenger drop-off near the tent. 
  • Please go to the far side of the Common to drop someone (or some things) off. 


The Lyme Congregational Church is providing tables and chairs, which will be set up under a tent set up by Those Guys.

  • A separate tent will have the buffet set up.
  • Feel free to bring lawn chairs or a blanket if you prefer to be seated further from others.

Mix & Mingle and Learn about Lyme Organizations

Several Lyme organizations will be on hand to say hello, share a bit about what they do and how we might be involved. Post-pandemic plans are just taking shape for most organizations and services.

  • It will be informal. Drop off your potluck contribution, enjoy all the smiling faces, and learn something new about Lyme organizations and neighbors!
  • If you represent an organization or program, it will be a chance to meet new neighbors and long-time Lyme community members alike. You may bring a table or a pop-up tent, direct folks to your location, or perhaps come with a show-and-tell offering. (We do expect a fire truck! We’re asking each organization to help serve at the buffet. Please check in at the food tables by 5:15.

Covid-19 Precautions

  • If you are not feeling well or may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, we are sorry to request that you please not join in this gathering. Let us know (795-0603,, and we have a meal delivered to you.
  • Please bring your mask. While it will not be required to wear masks, anyone unvaccinated is encouraged to wear one and to be physically distanced when eating. Please be generous in wearing your mask if someone asks out of concern for you or for their own or someone else’s protection.
  • Please practice safe distancing with individuals who may not be vaccinated. 
  • As always, it’s a good idea to keep your hands clean. There will be some hand sanitizer at the tables. Feel free to bring your own.


Contact or 603-795-0603

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Community Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:

Lyme and other local listservs

Lyme Library Calendar

Lyme School Events Listing

Town of Lyme Website

Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe

Valley News online calendar

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center

Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.