Gong Bath

Shared by Melissa Arnesen-Trunzo  to the Orford Listserv on Jan. 15, 2023

I am pleased to offer a Gong Bath this Wednesday, January 18th, at the Orford Congregational Church at 6-7 pm. It will be open to all, but I would like people to RSVP to productionsma@gmail.com so that I know how many will attend. I can delay the start of the bath by 15 minutes, but after that time, if people have not arrived, I ask that you do not come as that can disrupt the experience. The cost of this will be by donation only. 100% of the donations will support the Orford Congregational Church building. To answer other questions that you might have, please read the following:

1.) What is a Gong Bath: A Gong Bath is a sound bath that uses frequencies to bathe the body in sounds for 45 minutes. The term bath is used as the sounds envelop the body in vibrations. However, everyone remains clothed, and no water is involved.

2.) How does one take a Gong Bath: I ask that people bring their yoga mat or folded-up quilt to sit/lay on during the session. I would also strongly recommend a pillow and a light blanket to cover your body during the bath, as a person’s body temperature will drop during this time of deep relaxation. A pro tip: If you have a clean tube sock, put some rice or beans inside. You can add some chamomile tea or dried lavender to it and tie the end. This is great for an eye mask during the bath, but not necessary. I ask those that attend to prepare an intention that will support you with focus and deep breathing. The session will begin with a simple warm-up to support everyone in allowing the ‘qi’ (energy) to flow. This warm-up is very simple and can be done by most people; however, if you have any health or medical issues I should be aware of, I ask that you alert me to them before our session, as I want to make sure everyone is well and safe. You may tell me privately before the bath or by contacting me directly via email. The warm-up is followed by ‘savasana’ a gentle resting pose where you are invited to lie down on your back with your arms and legs gently resting on either side of your body. The Gong Bath will last for around 45 minutes. Everyone will be guided with sounds when the bath is finished and gently encouraged to begin moving. This can be a slow arousal. You are always encouraged to take your time. I also highly encourage you to bring warm water to drink after, as your body will be detoxed with the subtle vibrations it has just experienced.

3.) How are Gong Baths Healing: There is still ongoing research surrounding this, however, the Gong is a very powerful instrument that has the ability to alter brain waves and adjust the vibrational fields of the cells and bodies. During a Gong Bath, you are taken into different states of resting. Generally, the first few minutes take you to the Alpha wave state (relaxed and daydreaming). This is followed by Theta- a deep meditative state- asleep but awake. Some people stay in this state, while others progress to Delta, a state of deep healing sleep. Please may switch in and out of these states as the body adjusts to what it needs. Everyone’s experience is different.

4.) Who benefits from Gong Baths?: Gong Baths have been shown to support everyone from children to pregnant women, even pets (though at this time, I ask that young children and pets not attend this session). This gentle form of sound therapy has been shown to reduce mental, emotional, and physical stress; it helps balance the body, mind, and soul. Gong vibrations work on a cellular level, rejuvenating body tissues, roving blockages from a body’s meridian, and supporting balance. Kind of like taking a kink out of a garden hose to let the water flow… that is what the vibrations do to your body.

5.) How will I feel after a Gong Bath?: Generally, people have said they felt relaxed and lighter a week after the bath. It is important not to plan strenuous activities after a bath, but to relax and drink plenty of water to help detoxify. Having trained in China, I suggest warm water, as that is what ‘fixes everything.’

6.) Did you study to play the Gongs? Yes, I studied under the gong teachers Jabpir Kaur and Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux, the creator of the Gong Master title (which I hold). Master Don Conreaux, has been playing gongs for many years and is well known for healing and training those interested in Gong sound healing. I was taught to play the Gong in 2018 and have played around Shanghai, China, in schools, for families, individuals, and small events for the past four years before returning to America.

Melissa Arnesen-Trunzo Gong Master
Melissa ran compassionate communication workshops in Costa Rica and China. Reiki master who trained with ShivEnetgetics which is a certified group in Europe. https://www.shivenergetics.com. She offers Reiki for individuals and pets. Melissa is also a doula and has worked with women around China, helping them make their own cosmetic and hygienic products (using natural ingredients).

If you have a wellness themed topic you would like to share or learn more about, and/or blog/vlog about as an expert in a health/wellness related field, please reach out to shelby@cclyme.org. 

Shelby Wood
Manager of Program Development
CommunityCare of Lyme