Vegan Spinach Potato Cheese Stuffed Naan – yeast free

From Richa Hingle of (Feb. 3, 2022) 

A combination of some of my favorite foods: potatoes, spinach and cheese, this week’s recipe from (Feb. 3, 2022) sounds delicious! While I haven’t had a chance yet to try making Richa’s recipe for “Vegan Spinach Potato Cheese Stuffed Naan” it is in my “To Try” list sometime in the very near future! I love Naan on it’s own, and hadn’t considered the possibility of creating a stuffed version for a complete and ready to eat meal. Based on Richa’s recipe, this does take about an hour and a half to make, so wouldn’t fall into the category of a “quick weeknight meal” but could be a tasty addition to your next potluck or a warm savory treat for a cozy, snowy night in!

Enjoy “Vegan Spinach Potato Cheese Stuffed Naan” on  (Feb. 3, 2022)

Hingle, Richa. “Vegan Stuffed Potato, Cheese & Spinach Naan.” Vegan Richa, 3 Feb. 2022,

If you have a recipe you would like to share, please reach out to 

Shelby Wood
Manager of Program Development
CommunityCare of Lyme