UVLSRPC Regional Housing Needs Survey – Spread the word!

From the The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission Staff

An overview from the Public Survey

“This survey is part of the public outreach conducted during the Regional Housing Need Project. Learn more at tinyurl.com/HousingUVLS

The purpose of this survey is to help the planning team further understand the housing needs of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee region and learn about specific community needs. Your responses will help to describe current housing supply, demand, and affordability within our region and begin to identify what types of housing may be needed in the future. The Housing Needs Assessment will identify potential targeted improvement strategies or actions. Your responses will remain anonymous, and results will be presented in aggregate form only.”

Public Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HousingUVLS
Employer/Business Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EmpHsngUVLS

We hope you’ll complete this survey, and share!

If you have a wellness themed topic you would like to share or learn more about, and/or blog/vlog about as an expert in a health/wellness related field, please reach out to shelby@cclyme.org. 

Shelby Wood
Manager of Program Development
CommunityCare of Lyme