Setting Boundaries with Family over the Holidays

From Lindsay Karmer (Jun 6, 2023)

There are many organizations that support individuals and communities either at a local or national level. Once per month, for Wellness Wednesday, we will share one of these well-respected organizations in order to connect you with more resources that support Health & Wellness.

Holiday season is in full-swing, and time with family is upon many of us. It can be a trigger to fall into old habits, routines and roles within our family. In this article by Lindsay Kramer, she explores how to set boundaries with an emphasis on supporting those in recovery. This article also explores why setting boundaries with family can be so challenging looking at topics like “difficulty of change”, “lack of understanding about addiction” and “the ripple effect”. She caps off this article by emphasizing why this matters. It’s a helpful read if you are in recovery, or you have a friend or family member in recovery this holiday season (and all year long).

To read Lindsay’s article “Why You Should Set Boundaries with Family During the Holidays”(Jun 6, 2023) from click here.

Kramer, Lindsay. “Why You Should Set Boundaries with Family during the Holidays.” Recovery.Org, 6 June 2023,

Every Wednesday, CommunityCare of Lyme lifts up a wellness topic, embracing the widest possible definition of individual and community well-being. We include local and national resources, individual and group programs and practices, and personal stories, videos, or songs that have something to teach us all. We are always seeking guest contributors! 

If you have a wellness-themed topic you would like to share or learn more about, please reach out to

Shelby Wood
Manager of Volunteer Participation
CommunityCare of Lyme
802-468-7776 (cell)
603-795-0603 (CCL office and help line)